The star of keeping up with the Kardashians shared pics from her latest shoot for fashion house, Fendie. She is pictured with British model, Lily Donaldson in the pics.
The reality star revealed recently that she banned cameras from their KUWTK show from following her around. She also revealed that she initially banned members of her famous family from attending any of her shows, because she wanted all the attention to be on only her but changed her mind later. Talk about being selfish.
Speaking of Selfish, her elder sister, Kim's book,sold out in a minute. The initial 500 copies, which is a limited hard cover edition, were numbered by the reality star . The book costs $60, which is about N11,940 which is approximately N12k.
Check out another pic of Kendall at the photoshoot and the hard cover pic of Kim's Selfish book after the jump.
Back cover of Kim Kardashian's Selfie edition |
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